Dungannon Heritage Preserve

Dungannon Heritage Preserve is a great hike for a novice and has a variety of views. You start off in a low country forest that turns into a trail that borders a beautiful rice paddy turned to a swamp. The hike culminates in a 300 foot boardwalk where you can view a rookery of the endangered wood stork. There are many small trails and fire breaks you can explore off of the main path and in doing so you will find remnants of older times. Just off of the main trail, you can find the grave of Mr. Matthew Sanford (1869), derelict vehicles and signs of old moonshine stills are scattered about. Wildlife abounds here and in the spring/summer months, you can expect to see a large variety of woodland and swamp life including turtles, alligators, snakes, deer, squirrels, foxes, a variety of fowl life, and orchids growing in the wild. Pets must be leashed and please keep a watch on smaller children as there are poisonous snakes and the occasional alligator as you near the swamp. Located in Hollywood, SC!